The Sea Unseen: A Marine Zine
2024 Edition: Release period has ended and all donations have been sent!
About the zine
The Sea Unseen: A Marine Zine is a charity zine supporting the Australian Marine Conservation Society, released in conjunction with World Ocean Day.So far, we have released three issues. Check out the links below to find out more about them. We thank all our artists and buyers for their support!
2024 Edition ►
2022 Edition ►
2021 Edition ►
Donation plan ►
The Sea Unseen 2021

Organisation, cover and layout: Circlejourney
Writing: LPSunnyBunny
Name | Links | |
Andy | Lophelia coral | |
Ari Ganahl | Twitter | Website | Variable neon sea slug |
Aster / lohikaar | Tumblr | Giant oarfish |
Aven Wildsmith | Harbour seal | |
Awkturtleartist | Twitter | Instagram | Olive ridley sea turtle |
Blue | Blue-ringed octopus | |
Brianna Kleckner / Briannakitty | Carrd | Twitter | Sea otter |
Cami / Cinnamuff | Twitter | Website | Day octopus |
ChessWanderlust-Sama | Leafy Seadragon | |
Circlejourney | Website | Twitter | Cover illustration, sperm whale & colossal squid |
Doppio Hearn | Carrd | Deep sea anglerfish |
Eggsy | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram | Blanket octopus |
eliushi | Giant oceanic manta ray | |
Emil Josephine | Twitter | Tumblr | Snowflake moray |
Ersatz | Website | Chain catshark, weedy/common seadragon |
Ewan Rose | Short-beaked common dolphin | |
Farid Nad | Website | Twitter | Mangrove swamp crustaceans |
G Lew | Indo-Pacific sailfish | |
ghost | Naked sea butterfly | |
hauntship | Polar bear | |
heckacentipede | Carrd | Deepsea giant isopod |
Ikleyvey | Atlantic ghost crab | |
JeMiChi | DeviantArt | Razorbill |
Jenna Merry | Tumblr | InstagramWebsite | Scalloped Hammerhead |
Jimmy Kennedy | Website | Twitter | Purple sea urchin rock pool scene |
Kylie M Estes | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pacific sea nettle jellyfish |
Lea Lite / turtlemaniaaa | Marine iguana | |
lilowoof | Twitter | Tumblr | Flounder (peacock, summer, olive) |
Lora B | Tumblr | Berghia Coerulescens |
LPSunnyBunny | Carrd | Zine and chapter forewords |
Maeko | Bloodybelly Comb Jelly | |
MagicMetalBird | Twitter | Instagram | Ocean sunfish |
Mangolee | Adelie penguin | |
Maxime | Beluga | |
Min | Frilled Shark | |
Nier | Cephea jellyfish | |
Nootsuit | Californian anchovy | |
pickles4nickles | Pacific hagfish | |
Pine_Niidles | Website | Twitter | Sea gooseberry |
Potentialforart | Artstation | Sea bunny |
Robby Carl | Website | Twitter | Horseshoe Crab, royal starfish |
Serrannitto | Twitter | Instagram | Ribbon eel |
Seven | Discord: 7thplace#7361 | Moon jelly |
Shane Tolentino | Website | Twitter | Instagram | Sea snails |
Sie Douglas-Fish | Twitter | Carrd | Orca whale |
Tanya Piña | Firework jellyfish | |
taviisii | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter | Common lobster |
TemDraws | Goliath Grouper | |
yue | Spotted eagle ray | |
ZLA | Website | Coral reef scene |
The Sea Unseen 2022
Organisation and layout: Circlejourney
Cover: JeMiChi
Writing: LPSunnyBunny
Name | Links | |
Adelina Rose Gowans | Linktree | Whale Shark |
Ari Ganahl | Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr | Crusty Nautilus |
Aster | Tumblr | Sockeye Salmon |
Awkturtle | Instagram | Twitter | West Indian Manatee |
Azure | Tumblr | Twitter | Sea Bunny; Oarfish & Cockeyed Squid |
Blue | Cyerce elegans | |
Briannakitty | Twitter | Carrd | Blue Glaucus Sea Slug |
Circlejourney | Website | Twitter | Humpback Whale |
Clare Haffner | Bigfin Squid | |
Cy Aerie | Greater Blue-Ringed Octopus | |
Doppio Hearn | DeviantArt | Krøyer's Deep-Sea Angler |
**Elizabeth Offerosky ** | Deep Sea Dragon Fish | |
Emil L'Amour | Twitter | Tumblr | Banded Moray; Double-Crested Cormorant |
ezhangart | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Giant Siphonophore |
Fared | Twitter | Ko-Fi | Siput Berongan & Giant Mudskipper |
G. Lew | Bigeye Tuna & Opah | |
gibbycat | Narwhal | |
heckacentipede | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Giant Ostracod |
Ikleyvey | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Blackfin Icefish |
JeMiChi | DeviantArt | Twitter | Tumblr | Cover; Harbour Porpoises with Moon Jellies |
Jimmy Kennedy | Website | Instagram | Twitter | Flathead |
Kuosa J. | Sea Spider | |
Kylie M Estes | Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr | Shortfin Mako Shark |
lilowoof | Tumblr | Twitter | Morning Sun Star, Pink Sea Star & Bat Sea Star |
LPSunnyBunny | Carrd | Zine foreword and afterword |
Maeko | Great Hammerhead Shark | |
MagicMetalBird | Twitter | Instagram | Ocean Sunfish |
Mangolee | Twitter | Instagram | Yellow-Eyed Penguin |
MelloWammy | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Blue Marlin |
nauma | Wandering Albatross, Phytoplankton & Squid | |
Nootsuit | Sea Pigs | |
Nucleo | Pigeon Guillemot | |
Peppermint Bubble | Twitter | Website | Flapjack Octopus |
pickles4nickles | Twitter | Tumblr | Hawaiian Red Shrimp |
Pine_Niidles | Twitter | Carrd | Acorn Barnacles |
Robby Carl | Website | Opalescent Nudibranch |
Sie D-F | Twitter | Instagram | Spanish Shawl Nudibranch |
snarbs | Bonaparte's Gull | |
Taviisii | Vaquita | |
weremars | Short-Snouted Seahorse | |
Yela Jamiro | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter | Bocaccio Rockfish |
yuelii | Carrd | Atlantic Sea Nettle |
ZLA | Tumblr | Peacock Mantis Shrimp |
The Sea Unseen 2024
Name | Links | |
Adorning | Tumblr | Leafy Sea Dragon |
Ari Ganahl | Website | @arithetonberry on all social media | Fried Egg Jellyfish |
Awkturtleartist | X | Matamata Turtle |
Beabzebub | No links provided | Green Sea Turtle |
Brianna Kleckner / Briannakitty | Carrd | Berghia Coerulescens |
bunnymauk | X | Atlantic Puffin |
Cas Lynn | Tumblr | X | Killer Whale |
Chaz | Instagram | Instagram | Tapas | Angler Fish, Monkfish, Frogfish |
Cinnamuff | Website | Tumblr | Bluesky | Sacabambaspis |
Circlejourney | Website | Cuvier's Beaked Whale |
clemidity | Sea Otter | |
Cringpai | Glaucus atlanticus | |
cyralus | Tumblr | Instagram | Blacktip Reef Shark |
desansen | Carrd | Instagram | Dumbo Octopus, Gulper Eel |
Diane Ramic | Tumblr | Instagram | Website | Giant Oarfish |
Doppio Hearn | Website | Tumblr | X | Krøyer's Deep Sea Angler Fish |
eggsy | X | Tumblr | Pacific Hagfish |
**ElecInk ** | Bluesky | Vent Crabs |
Emil L’Amour | Carrd | California Sea Lion |
FC | X | Website | Ko-fi | Atlantic Flying Fish |
Feiyu | X | Carrd | Instagram | Jellyfish (Pelagia noctiluca, Aurelia aurita, Chironex fleckeri) |
fizzsea | Website | Coral Banded Cleaner Shrimp, White Banded Cleaner Shrimp, Domino Damsel, Coral Hind |
gibbycat | Tumblr | Alligator Gar |
Greer Dee | X | Blue-Ringed Octopus |
HoshiDensha | X | Tumblr | Carrd | Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray, Yellow Boxfish |
hunter-slime-660 | Tumblr | Sea Cucumbers |
inkfishy | X | Sea Angel |
Iskra Calleja | Behance | Ko-fi | INPRNT | Sea Slugs (Jorunna parva, Chromodoris willani, Cadlinella ornatissima) |
Jack Reniers | Tumblr | Colossal Squid |
Jellybean11040513 | No links provided | Strap Toothed Whale |
JeMiChi | Website | DeviantArt | Bluesky | Atlantic Mackerel |
Jenna Merry | Website | spot prawn |
Jensen | Crucifix Crab, Blueberry Hermit Crab | |
KMC | No links provided | North Atlantic Right Whale |
Kuosa J. | Marine Diatoms | |
LAngel2 | No links provided | Jellyfish (Irukanji, Turritopsis dohrnni, Flowerhat) |
Lunekora | Carrd | Instagram | X | Marine Otters |
Maeko | Pikachu Nudibranch | |
MagicMetalBird | Website | Mola mola |
Min | No links provided | Slate Pencil Urchin |
moonless | X | Whale-Fall |
narmatsyn (korryd) | Tumblr | Catfish |
Nikki | Tumblr | Flapjack Octopus, Midwater Helly, Sea Angel, Hula Skirt Siphonophore, Bubblegum Coral |
Noah Pacolet | Carrd | Instagram | Seagrasses, Dugong, Golden Trevally, Spotted Garden Eel |
Nyansae | Vampire Squid | |
Orchid | Tumblr | Sea Squirts |
Owlart18 | Carrd | Tumblr | Instagram | Stubby Squid |
Peppermint Bubble | Website | Polar Bear |
pickles4nickles | Bluesky | Tumblr | Horseshoe Crab |
Piyo (NEOTHEATRE) | Toyhouse | Giant Squid, Pufferfish |
Ronan Sinbad | Carrd | Instagram | Lemon Shark, Nurse Shark |
Ryuuki | Website | Bluesky | Patreon | Marine Iguana, Corals |
SalliGora | Tumblr | Leopard Seal |
shrignoold | Giant Isopod | |
Sorin S | Website | Tumblr | Vaquita |
SPEARxWIND | Tumblr | Dragon Moray |
turtlemaniaaa | Northern Rockhopper | |
Valeria Mogilevskaya | Carrd | Common Murre |
Willow Wormwood | Carrd | Harbor Seal |
ZLA | Tumblr | Grey Seal |
Donation plan
Sales will be open for 3 months, at the end of which the zine will become available for public download and the total donations will be sent to the Australian Marine Conservation Society.
Who we're donating to
The Australian Marine Conservation Society is an independent charity established in 1965, staffed by scientists, educators and advocates. They have worked to establish marine reserves across Australia's coastlines, and led the movement to ban whaling, stop supertrawlers, and protect threatened and endangered species.The AMCS is an officially-registered charity with excellent transparency and sustainability ratings on ChangePath.