The Sea Unseen: A Marine Zine

2024 Edition: Release period has ended and all donations have been sent!

About the zine

The Sea Unseen: A Marine Zine is a charity zine supporting the Australian Marine Conservation Society, released in conjunction with World Ocean Day.So far, we have released three issues. Check out the links below to find out more about them. We thank all our artists and buyers for their support!


2024 Edition ►
2022 Edition ►
2021 Edition ►
Donation plan ►

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The Sea Unseen 2021



Organisation, cover and layout: Circlejourney
Writing: LPSunnyBunny

AndyTwitterLophelia coral
Ari GanahlTwitter | WebsiteVariable neon sea slug
Aster / lohikaarTumblrGiant oarfish
Aven WildsmithInstagramHarbour seal
AwkturtleartistTwitter | InstagramOlive ridley sea turtle
BlueInstagramBlue-ringed octopus
Brianna Kleckner / BriannakittyCarrd | TwitterSea otter
Cami / CinnamuffTwitter | WebsiteDay octopus
ChessWanderlust-SamaTwitterLeafy Seadragon
CirclejourneyWebsite | TwitterCover illustration, sperm whale & colossal squid
Doppio HearnCarrdDeep sea anglerfish
EggsyTwitter | Tumblr | InstagramBlanket octopus
eliushiTwitterGiant oceanic manta ray
Emil JosephineTwitter | TumblrSnowflake moray
ErsatzWebsiteChain catshark, weedy/common seadragon
Ewan RoseTwitterShort-beaked common dolphin
Farid NadWebsite | TwitterMangrove swamp crustaceans
G LewTwitterIndo-Pacific sailfish
ghostInstagramNaked sea butterfly
hauntshipTwitterPolar bear
heckacentipedeCarrdDeepsea giant isopod
IkleyveyTwitterAtlantic ghost crab
Jenna MerryTumblr | InstagramWebsiteScalloped Hammerhead
Jimmy KennedyWebsite | TwitterPurple sea urchin rock pool scene
Kylie M EstesTwitter | Instagram | TumblrPacific sea nettle jellyfish
Lea Lite / turtlemaniaaaTwitterMarine iguana
lilowoofTwitter | TumblrFlounder (peacock, summer, olive)
Lora BTumblrBerghia Coerulescens
LPSunnyBunnyCarrdZine and chapter forewords
MaekoTwitterBloodybelly Comb Jelly
MagicMetalBirdTwitter | InstagramOcean sunfish
MangoleeTwitterAdelie penguin
MinTwitterFrilled Shark
NierTwitterCephea jellyfish
NootsuitTwitterCalifornian anchovy
pickles4nicklesTwitterPacific hagfish
Pine_NiidlesWebsite | TwitterSea gooseberry
PotentialforartArtstationSea bunny
Robby CarlWebsite | TwitterHorseshoe Crab, royal starfish
SerrannittoTwitter | InstagramRibbon eel
SevenDiscord: 7thplace#7361Moon jelly
Shane TolentinoWebsite | Twitter | InstagramSea snails
Sie Douglas-FishTwitter | CarrdOrca whale
Tanya PiñaTwitterFirework jellyfish
taviisiiInstagram | Tumblr | TwitterCommon lobster
TemDrawsInstagramGoliath Grouper
yueTwitterSpotted eagle ray
ZLAWebsiteCoral reef scene

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The Sea Unseen 2022



Organisation and layout: Circlejourney
Cover: JeMiChi
Writing: LPSunnyBunny

Adelina Rose GowansLinktreeWhale Shark
Ari GanahlInstagram | Twitter | TumblrCrusty Nautilus
AsterTumblrSockeye Salmon
AwkturtleInstagram | TwitterWest Indian Manatee
AzureTumblr | TwitterSea Bunny; Oarfish & Cockeyed Squid
BlueInstagramCyerce elegans
BriannakittyTwitter | CarrdBlue Glaucus Sea Slug
CirclejourneyWebsite | TwitterHumpback Whale
Clare HaffnerInstagramBigfin Squid
Cy AerieTwitterGreater Blue-Ringed Octopus
Doppio HearnDeviantArtKrøyer's Deep-Sea Angler
**Elizabeth Offerosky **InstagramDeep Sea Dragon Fish
Emil L'AmourTwitter | TumblrBanded Moray; Double-Crested Cormorant
ezhangartTwitter | Instagram | TumblrGiant Siphonophore
FaredTwitter | Ko-FiSiput Berongan & Giant Mudskipper
G. LewTwitterBigeye Tuna & Opah
heckacentipedeTwitter | Instagram | TumblrGiant Ostracod
IkleyveyTwitter | Instagram | TumblrBlackfin Icefish
JeMiChiDeviantArt | Twitter | TumblrCover; Harbour Porpoises with Moon Jellies
Jimmy KennedyWebsite | Instagram | TwitterFlathead
Kuosa J.InstagramSea Spider
Kylie M EstesInstagram | Twitter | TumblrShortfin Mako Shark
lilowoofTumblr | TwitterMorning Sun Star, Pink Sea Star & Bat Sea Star
LPSunnyBunnyCarrdZine foreword and afterword
MaekoInstagramGreat Hammerhead Shark
MagicMetalBirdTwitter | InstagramOcean Sunfish
MangoleeTwitter | InstagramYellow-Eyed Penguin
MelloWammyTwitter | Instagram | TumblrBlue Marlin
naumaInstagramWandering Albatross, Phytoplankton & Squid
NootsuitTwitterSea Pigs
NucleoTwitterPigeon Guillemot
Peppermint BubbleTwitter | WebsiteFlapjack Octopus
pickles4nicklesTwitter | TumblrHawaiian Red Shrimp
Pine_NiidlesTwitter | CarrdAcorn Barnacles
Robby CarlWebsiteOpalescent Nudibranch
Sie D-FTwitter | InstagramSpanish Shawl Nudibranch
snarbsTwitterBonaparte's Gull
weremarsTwitterShort-Snouted Seahorse
Yela JamiroInstagram | Tumblr | TwitterBocaccio Rockfish
yueliiCarrdAtlantic Sea Nettle
ZLATumblrPeacock Mantis Shrimp

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The Sea Unseen 2024



AdorningTumblrLeafy Sea Dragon
Ari GanahlWebsite | @arithetonberry on all social mediaFried Egg Jellyfish
AwkturtleartistXMatamata Turtle
BeabzebubNo links providedGreen Sea Turtle
Brianna Kleckner / BriannakittyCarrdBerghia Coerulescens
bunnymaukXAtlantic Puffin
Cas LynnTumblr | XKiller Whale
ChazInstagram | Instagram | TapasAngler Fish, Monkfish, Frogfish
CinnamuffWebsite | Tumblr | BlueskySacabambaspis
CirclejourneyWebsiteCuvier's Beaked Whale
clemidityInstagramSea Otter
CringpaiInstagramGlaucus atlanticus
cyralusTumblr | InstagramBlacktip Reef Shark
desansenCarrd | InstagramDumbo Octopus, Gulper Eel
Diane RamicTumblr | Instagram | WebsiteGiant Oarfish
Doppio HearnWebsite | Tumblr | XKrøyer's Deep Sea Angler Fish
eggsyX | TumblrPacific Hagfish
**ElecInk **BlueskyVent Crabs
Emil L’AmourCarrdCalifornia Sea Lion
FCX | Website | Ko-fiAtlantic Flying Fish
FeiyuX | Carrd | InstagramJellyfish (Pelagia noctiluca, Aurelia aurita, Chironex fleckeri)
fizzseaWebsiteCoral Banded Cleaner Shrimp, White Banded Cleaner Shrimp, Domino Damsel, Coral Hind
gibbycatTumblrAlligator Gar
Greer DeeXBlue-Ringed Octopus
HoshiDenshaX | Tumblr | CarrdBluespotted Ribbontail Ray, Yellow Boxfish
hunter-slime-660TumblrSea Cucumbers
inkfishyXSea Angel
Iskra CallejaBehance | Ko-fi | INPRNTSea Slugs (Jorunna parva, Chromodoris willani, Cadlinella ornatissima)
Jack ReniersTumblrColossal Squid
Jellybean11040513No links providedStrap Toothed Whale
JeMiChiWebsite | DeviantArt | BlueskyAtlantic Mackerel
Jenna MerryWebsitespot prawn
JensenInstagramCrucifix Crab, Blueberry Hermit Crab
KMCNo links providedNorth Atlantic Right Whale
Kuosa J.InstagramMarine Diatoms
LAngel2No links providedJellyfish (Irukanji, Turritopsis dohrnni, Flowerhat)
LunekoraCarrd | Instagram | XMarine Otters
MaekoInstagramPikachu Nudibranch
MagicMetalBirdWebsiteMola mola
MinNo links providedSlate Pencil Urchin
narmatsyn (korryd)TumblrCatfish
NikkiTumblrFlapjack Octopus, Midwater Helly, Sea Angel, Hula Skirt Siphonophore, Bubblegum Coral
Noah PacoletCarrd | InstagramSeagrasses, Dugong, Golden Trevally, Spotted Garden Eel
NyansaeInstagramVampire Squid
OrchidTumblrSea Squirts
Owlart18Carrd | Tumblr | InstagramStubby Squid
Peppermint BubbleWebsitePolar Bear
pickles4nicklesBluesky | TumblrHorseshoe Crab
Piyo (NEOTHEATRE)ToyhouseGiant Squid, Pufferfish
Ronan SinbadCarrd | InstagramLemon Shark, Nurse Shark
RyuukiWebsite | Bluesky | PatreonMarine Iguana, Corals
SalliGoraTumblrLeopard Seal
shrignooldInstagramGiant Isopod
Sorin SWebsite | TumblrVaquita
SPEARxWINDTumblrDragon Moray
turtlemaniaaaInstagramNorthern Rockhopper
Valeria MogilevskayaCarrdCommon Murre
Willow WormwoodCarrdHarbor Seal
ZLATumblrGrey Seal

Donation plan

Sales will be open for 3 months, at the end of which the zine will become available for public download and the total donations will be sent to the Australian Marine Conservation Society.

Who we're donating to

The Australian Marine Conservation Society is an independent charity established in 1965, staffed by scientists, educators and advocates. They have worked to establish marine reserves across Australia's coastlines, and led the movement to ban whaling, stop supertrawlers, and protect threatened and endangered species.The AMCS is an officially-registered charity with excellent transparency and sustainability ratings on ChangePath.

Current donation tallies (AUD)

2021 receipts can be found in this album.